Pronounced kyuudou, the way of seeking (enlightenment)

The so called Portable Index-Search System is a Java tool, based on Apache Lucene

The dristribution contains the source as well as the classes in the jar file. Further, I have enclosed the external jars and some batch files (for MS DOS and Linux-Unix) I have tested it in both environments. I would be curious if it works OK on Mac.

I have written wrappers (around POI, PDFPackage etc.) to parse pdf, doc (MS Winword), ppt (MS PowerPoint), xls (MS Excel), rtf, txt and various texst files, HTML (using JTidy) and XML as well as XSL. The user can decide which files he wishes to index.

Searching is only realized for query search. This is really in itself a very powerful tool and I could see no reason to invest energy in more search types when the user interface needed work.

There also an update tool, which also allows the user to index as many separate directories as he/she wishes. The update program not only adds to an index, if it finds the same file, with a newer date, it replaces the old one.

Download the tar file.

Download the zip file.

Read the documentation